Medical Malpractice Attorney in Helena, Montana
Putting your life back together after becoming the victim of medical negligence may be challenging. You’re already going through a very difficult time, and there’s no need to subject yourself to further hardship under these exceedingly stressful circumstances. It may be difficult to find a knowledgeable medical malpractice attorney who can assist you with all the little details of your case, but you can finally call off the search. The staff at Steve Harman Law has been committed to assisting the residents of Helena since 1975. Our respectable, well-known personal injury and medical malpractice lawsuit firm is diligent and welcoming, and it is also locally run and owned. Additionally, we are properly licensed, insured, and bonded.
Here at Steve Harman Law, you’ll see a significant difference. Our attorneys are among the best you’ll find anywhere, and because of their unique professional backgrounds, they are exceptionally prepared to help injured patients. With a medical doctor, a registered nurse, and a veteran trial attorney on board, our successful and strong team of lawyers take one-of-a-kind approaches based on their individual experiences and perspectives. Because we adhere to strict confidentiality policies, we guarantee 100% privacy – plus we don’t charge for case investigations. We will be by your side as you seek justice, and we’ll work with you to make sure that negligent people pay for their actions. Call us today and take the first step toward moving forward with your life.
We specialize in all types of medical malpractice, including:
Failure to Treat
Failure to treat is a common secondary effect of medical misdiagnoses. When a patient doesn’t get an accurate and timely diagnosis, they cannot begin appropriate treatment. Many conditions require prompt treatment to avoid permanent injury, undue suffering, exacerbation of symptoms, and even death. If you weren’t given the chance to receive suitable care because a physician or nurse failed to treat you, a state law called “loss of chance” could apply to you. No matter the cause of your claim, our incredible attorneys will be happy to meet with you and work with you to seek damages.
Birth Injuries
One of the most tragic injuries that can arise from medical error is injury to a newborn. There are instances where mothers and newborns don’t receive the care and attention they deserve during childbirth, despite the fact that expectant mothers should always be able to entrust the care of their babies to their trusted healthcare professionals. Medical personnel frequently need to make split-second choices in emergency situations. Sadly, these choices can occasionally be poor ones. Birth injuries can include:
Broken bones
Lack of oxygen and subsequent brain injury
Shoulder dystocia
Erb’s palsy
Cerebral palsy
A variety of causes may be to blame for your child’s birth injury, which include:
Maternal and/or fetal infections
Failure to properly monitor baby and/or mother
Failure to detect complications, including preeclampsia or fetal distress
Unsafe administration of Pitocin
Failure to perform a cesarean section in a timely manner
Failure to employ the proper obstetric maneuver to assist with birth (including forceps or vacuum extraction)
Improper prenatal or postnatal care
While some birth injuries are the direct result of negligent or unsuitable medical care, others are unavoidable. Your infant can suffer short-term issues as a result of a birth injury, and your family may be under excessive stress and financial hardship. Your child may face a challenging journey with lifelong problems and dependence if they endured a serious injury. Your attentive legal team wants you to receive the compensation you are due. Your medical malpractice lawyer in Helena, MT will fight for you if you believe that you or your newborn received subpar medical treatment.
Surgical Errors
When you agree to surgery, you’re probably already apprehensive about the recovery process and the procedure itself. When you suffer an injury during surgery, the prospect of what lies ahead can be incredibly terrifying. Our knowledgeable team will be honored to join you in the pursuit of justice, and we’ll take all necessary steps to ascertain the nature of the injury, assess whether the surgeon had the training necessary to carry out the procedure, determine whether the proper instruments were used, and evaluate other crucial details that will strengthen your claim. Because each case is completely unique, your medical malpractice lawyer in Helena, Montana will dig deep to prove whether or not your injury could have been avoided. If it turns out that the standard of care was not upheld, we will guide you through every stage of the legal procedure until you receive fair compensation for the harm you suffered.
Spinal Cord Injuries
When you suffer a spinal cord injury, the result can be debilitating and life-altering. Injuries to the spinal cord can lead to paraplegia, quadriplegia, paralysis, or nerve damage. Whether you were hurt as a result of a spinal injection, a herniated disc surgery, or some other procedure, you’ll probably need care and therapy for the long haul. It would be an honor to review your medical records and discern whether or not a malpractice lawsuit would be prudent. If we find that litigation is the best option, we will factor in every bit of suffering and pain you’ve already endured, and we’ll also seek compensation for all future expenses your care will require. We’re here to be your support system as you pursue financial compensation, and we hope this important first step allows you to start the next chapter of your healing journey.
Medical Misdiagnosis
About 12 million Americans each year suffer from misdiagnosis, which is a much higher number than one might hope. Frequently missed diagnoses might entail serious medical problems like cancer, heart attack, Lyme disease, cancer, lupus erythematosus, meningitis, and stroke. If your condition was misdiagnosed or if your diagnosis was unfairly delayed, compensation might be justified. Misdiagnosis has the potential to result in unneeded anguish and misery, and it can even be fatal. So that the negligent person or persons don’t go on to hurt another innocent patient, get in touch with a knowledgeable medical malpractice attorney at Steve Harman Law to begin the justice process.
Prescription Medication Errors
Simple mistakes often result in undesirable outcomes including allergic reactions, erroneous dosages, the wrong drug being administered, or the wrong patient being given medication in most prescription error cases. When a medical professional prescribes or administers medication, they must be incredibly careful – otherwise, a harmful mistake can occur. Unfortunately, these mistakes are among the most common malpractice incidents, frequently coming from a seemingly insignificant error like a mathematical miscalculation. If the negligent handling of your medications resulted in injury, your trusted attorney at Steve Harman Law will help you uncover the error, gather evidence, file a lawsuit, and seek justice.
Nursing Home Abuse
Because of the aging U.S. population, there is a growing need for nursing facilities all around the country. Because nursing home residents are often powerless when it comes to neglect or mistreatment, abuse is all too commonplace in these places. Your loved one should be treated with respect and the utmost dignity when they are dependent on caregivers for things like comfort, healthcare, food, medication, hygiene, and other basic needs. It’s critical that you get in touch with us right away if you or someone you care about suffered injuries in a nursing home as a result of flagrant abuse, negligence, failing to provide the required level of care, or understaffing. Even though money cannot ever make up for the pain and suffering, our knowledgeable legal team will do its very best to help you through the process of healing and moving on.
Contact a friendly, professional, and experienced medical malpractice attorney in Helena, MT by calling Steve Harman Law at (406) 969-4498.