Medical Malpractice Attorney in Missoula, Montana
Putting your life back together after becoming the victim of medical negligence may be challenging. At a moment when everything is uncertain and your life is up in the air, you shouldn’t subject yourself to any further stress or worry. Finding a skilled medical malpractice attorney to guide you through this situation might be challenging, but your search is now over. Throughout the beautiful Missoula region, Steve Harman Law has offered legal services to our nearby friends and neighbors since 1975. Our reputable, well-established personal injury and medical malpractice law firm is locally operated and locally owned. We are also fully licensed, bonded, and insured.
Steve Harman Law is unlike any other law firm you’ve ever encountered. Our attorneys aren’t just the finest lawyers you’ll find anywhere, but they also have unique professional backgrounds that make them exceptionally well-suited for the task of helping injured patients. With a medical doctor, a registered nurse, and a veteran trial attorney on board, our successful and strong team of lawyers take one-of-a-kind approaches based on their individual experiences and perspectives. We never charge to investigate a case, and all consultations are fully confidential because your privacy is important to us. We will be right by your side as you pursue justice, and we’ll help you ensure that careless individuals face the consequences of their negligent actions. Reach out to us now and get the ball rolling on putting this painful situation behind you.
We specialize in all types of medical malpractice, including:
Birth Injuries
Harm to a baby is undoubtedly the most terrible of all the possible injuries that might arise from medical malpractice. It’s standard practice for new mothers to entrust their baby’s care to their medical professionals, but what happens when those people don’t perform their jobs properly? Medical personnel must make critical judgments quickly in the event of an emergency. Sadly, they don’t always choose the best course of action. Birth injuries can include:
Lack of oxygen and subsequent brain injury
Broken bones
Erb’s palsy
Shoulder dystocia
Cerebral palsy
A variety of causes may be to blame for your child’s birth injury, which include:
Failure to employ the proper obstetric maneuver to assist with birth (including forceps or vacuum extraction)
Failure to properly monitor baby and/or mother
Failure to detect complications, including preeclampsia or fetal distress
Unsafe administration of Pitocin
Improper prenatal or postnatal care
Maternal and/or fetal infections
Failure to perform a cesarean section in a timely manner
While many birth injuries are in fact caused by inadequate or inappropriate care, certain birth injuries are not related to medical negligence. Your family may have experienced a tremendous deal of stress as a result of your child’s potential short-term difficulties. In more extreme circumstances, your child may need lifelong support and endure hardships for the rest of their life. Our compassionate team firmly believes that justice should be served to both you and your child. Let your medical malpractice lawyer in Missoula, MT fight for you if you feel that you or your child experienced subpar medical care.
Failure to Treat
Failure to treat is frequently a direct result of medical misdiagnosis. Without an accurate diagnosis, the appropriate treatment cannot be started in a timely manner. Delaying treatment can potentially lead to a worsening of medical conditions, unnecessary pain, long-term injury, or even death. If a nurse or doctor failed to treat you and you were deprived of the opportunity to obtain appropriate care, your case may be covered under a Montana law called “loss of chance.” Whatever the cause, our skilled legal team will strive to help you get the compensation you deserve.
Spinal Cord Injuries
A spinal cord injury can have dramatic and significantly life-altering impacts on a person’s life. Paralysis, quadriplegia, paraplegia, and nerve damage can all result from spinal cord injury. You’ll undoubtedly require treatment and rehabilitation for the foreseeable future, regardless of whether a spinal injection, a herniated disc operation, or another medical procedure caused the damage. It would be our honor to review your medical records and decide whether or not it would be prudent to file a malpractice lawsuit. We will account for all of the pain and suffering you have already faced and will also file a claim for all future medical expenses if litigation turns out to be the right course of action. We are here to support you while you seek compensation, and it is our earnest hope that this important first step will play a key role in your healing journey.
Surgical Errors
When you find out you require surgery, you’re undoubtedly already worried about the healing process and the procedure itself. When you suffer an injury during a surgical procedure, the uncertainty of what lies ahead can be incredibly frightening. Our talented team will be proud to join your fight, starting by determining how the injury was caused, whether or not the surgeon was properly qualified to perform the procedure, whether or not the appropriate tools were used, and so many other key factors. Every case is unique, which is why your medical malpractice lawyer in Missoula, Montana will go to such great efforts to examine your medical records and evaluate whether or not your unfortunate outcome could have been avoided. We will walk you through every step of the legal process until you collect the settlement you are due if we determine that your care team did not uphold its duty to provide you with the standard of care.
Nursing Home Abuse
The U.S. population is aging, which means there is rising demand for nursing homes across the country. Abuse and neglect are all too commonplace in nursing facilities because the patients are trusting, vulnerable, and often defenseless when it comes to neglect or mistreatment. If your loved one is in a position where they must depend on caretakers for necessities like healthcare, hygiene, food, medication, and comfort, they should be treated respectfully and with complete dignity. If you or someone you love have been injured in a nursing home because of blatant abuse, negligence, failure to meet the standard of care, or understaffing, it’s essential that you contact us immediately. Although financial compensation cannot possibly erase the pain and suffering, our expert legal team will do our best to guide you through the process of recovering and moving forward.
Prescription Medication Errors
In the majority of prescription error incidents, seemingly trivial errors frequently lead to unfavorable consequences such as allergic reactions, incorrect dosages, the administration of the incorrect medication, or the wrong patient receiving medication. Medical professionals must be careful when prescribing and dispensing medications, but errors can sometimes happen. These errors, which sometimes result from a little oversight like a skipped decimal point, are regrettably among the most common in the healthcare field. If the negligent handling of your medications resulted in injury, your trusted attorney at Steve Harman Law will help you uncover the error, gather evidence, file a lawsuit, and seek justice.
Medical Misdiagnosis
Sadly, misdiagnosis affects roughly 12 million people in the United States each year, which is higher than most people would anticipate. Frequently missed diagnoses might entail serious medical problems like cancer, heart attack, Lyme disease, cancer, lupus erythematosus, meningitis, and stroke. If your diagnosis was unduly delayed or if you were misdiagnosed altogether, compensation may be in order. A lot of needless suffering and even death can result from incorrect diagnoses. Don’t let the negligent individual(s) go on to cause the same problem for another unsuspecting patient – put justice in motion by contacting a personable medical malpractice lawyer at Steve Harman Law.
Contact a friendly, professional, and experienced medical malpractice attorney in Missoula, MT by calling Steve Harman Law at (406) 969-4498.